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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the role of the school board?
A seven-member Board of Trustees serves as the legal agent of the State of Texas in carrying out the will of the citizens of the Aldine Independent School District. The school board is the policy-making body for the school district. In addition to setting policy, the board also hires the superintendent of schools, holds regularly scheduled meetings to conduct the business of the district, approves employment and termination of personnel, approves the budget and sets the tax rate, approves property purchases, approves new building plans, awards bids, hears grievances of employees, students, and citizens of the district, and authorizes collection, disbursement and auditing of funds.
Do trustees receive a salary from the school district?
Trustees do not receive a salary for their service. They are elected by Aldine voters and voluntarily serve four-year terms.
When and where does the school board meet?
The board conducts school business at regularly scheduled meetings on the third Tuesday of each month, unless there are conflicts with other important dates. Prior to each meeting, trustees gather the preceding Monday to preview the agenda. Both meetings are open to the public. All meetings are conducted in the Board Room of the district’s central administration building, 2520 W.W. Thorne Blvd., at 7 p.m., unless otherwise stated in a public notice.
How can a citizen address the school board?
The board welcomes students, parents, employees, and other visitors to its regular meetings. Citizens may address the board by completing a guest form which is conveniently available during board meetings. Trustees allow three minutes for each person who desires to address the board.