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General Guidelines

Aldine Independent School District is committed to making our content and services accessible to all parents, students, employees, and members of the public, including those with disabilities. Questions regarding compliance and/or grievance procedures may be directed to:

Parents and Students:

Efrain Uribe, Program Director, Guidance and Counseling
9999 Veterans Memorial Drive, Houston, TX 77038
Phone: 281.985.6425
District complaint policies for parents and students.

Employees and Members of the Public:

Marcia Herrera, Chief Human Resources Officer
2520 W.W. Thorne Blvd., Houston, TX 77073
Phone: 281.985.6205
District complaint policies for employees.
District complaint policies for members of the public.

Aldine ISD’s social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, Vimeo and/or YouTube, are resources of Aldine ISD. Any and all content posted by followers is the responsibility of the follower, not Aldine ISD. All content in any form (comments, photos, memes, or similar content) posted to any Aldine ISD social media platform is subject to deletion, in whole or in part, to protect the privacy and rights of Aldine ISD’s students, faculty and staff.

Aldine ISD further reserves the right to delete content, in whole or in part, that contains – vulgar, abusive or obscene language or content; pornography; offensive terms that promote discrimination against specific ethnic, religious, racial or other legally protected groups, or that are direct threats or incite violence. Aldine ISD also reserves the right to delete comments that are spam, unauthorized commercial advertising, contain unauthorized copyrighted or trademarked material, or that do not pertain to the topic posted.

All persons are on notice that content on Aldine ISD’s social media sites may be subject to the Texas Public Information Act and thereby such communications may be considered public information or records subject to the Texas Public Information Act and State Records Retention requirements.

If you, or a member of your family, are featured in a photo on any of the District social media sites and do not wish to be, please email [email protected].